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“SummerShine Fun in the Sun”

Hopefully now Spring is just around the corner, and soon we’ll finally be able to get outside once more for some fun outdoor shooting. I know that I’m known best for my Wedding and Sports Images, and on occasion each season I really like to kick it up a notch, get down & dirty & play “Grunge & Glamour Fashion Fotographer!”  And for sure, these aren’t those Cheesy “Old Lady Glamour Shots” that your Mother had done! What better gift for that favorite guy in your life than a Sexy, Personal, One of a Kind Photo Session where you can really let loose & show Him & The World Who You REALLY ARE!  Bring along your Best Girlfriend to cheer you on and help make sure that your hair and makeup look Absolutely Amazing! Live a Little, Let Loose and Have Some Fun for a Change! Contact Me Today and Tell Me what YOUR Modeling Fantasy will look like!!!

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