

Daddy’s Little Girl

On this beautiful Spring night, I’m Watching the NHL Play-Offs while working my way through my first Wedding of the season… the fun day with Alyssa & Billy & crew. I just got to these, and had to post a couple.
During the Toasts, Alyssa’s Dad Doug, ran the Gamut of Emotions as he took us all through some of “Alyssa’s Greatest Hits!” Through his Pride & Tears, he reminisced….of his Little Girl Growing Up.  From Sweetness to Hilarity, from Innocence to Wild Child……as these Images can attest better than words, each emotion showcased on her face with a different, unique, unrehearsed honest reaction. Special Moments Indeed.
And as I always like to prove, to myself and to everyone else after my first Wedding of each Season……I STILL GOT IT!

Winter Blahs…. to Summer Heat!

With less than two weeks remaining till my first 2016 Wedding, the Wintertime Work Wish List is almost complete:
All Inclusive Winter/Spring Cleaning –  Almost DONE!
New Color Scheme Painting & Layout of Studio Framing & Gear Room – DONE
New, Clean Energy Efficient LED Lighting Installed, Inside & Out – DONE
New Outside Artwork Illumination Installed and Looking GREAT – Check it out the next time you’re driving by at night!
And with all that completed before the Wedding Work begins, I actually had some time to dig through the archives of old shoots from a few years ago that I really liked but never did a lot with, and worked a little of my Post Shoot Processing Magic, and I think they came out Pretty Sweet! So what do you think?
Models, lines are open, and operators are taking your booking calls now!!!


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