

Bridal Show…Here We Go!

I’ve been working the last few weeks, along with everything else over the holidays, on putting things together for this weekend’s 2015 Arnot Mall Bridal/Wedding Show. This is my 18th or 19th year for this annual January ritual (I’ve lost count, and can’t really find out for certain, because I’ve been in this show longer than anyone else, even the management!) Man how time fly’s! Anyway…I thought I would post a Bits-&-Pieces-Tease of these brand new, huge, super-prints of some of my favorite shots from this past, great 2014 Wedding Season. These giant 4 foot x 6 foot prints will be my main display in Centre Court all weekend long. Any of my Brides & Grooms out there recognize any of these shots? Jeremy, you can’t guess because YOU printed them all! lol Great Job as usual, by the way! Stop by, check ’em all out in their entirety, and say “Hello!” as I log in my hours for another yearly show.


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