“Moonlight Derailment” 02:20 A.M. 07/20/11
Just before I was about to head home for the nigh…morning….I heard about a possible derailment by Wygant Road at the Holding Point Yards , so I just had to go check it out for myself…What a Frigging Mess! Probably a dozen or so cars off the rails…hard to tell in the dark…but it’s not just the wheels off the rails….these rails are ripped right out of the ties and twisted like pretzels underneath these fully loaded hopper cars…the road is torn up…like I said, What Frigging Mess! I guess I know where all the Norfolk Southern Track Repair guys will be working tomorrow, and Thursday & Friday in the 98 degree hot sun!! Good excuse to finally get those Holding Point lines re-done…..this was an accident just waiting to happen!