

Cruise Tattoo’s

The Family went on a Cruise to Bermuda in mid May to celebrate my In-Laws 60th Wedding Anniversary, and while roaming our ship one afternoon looking for my next photographic conquest, I noticed the large assortment of folks sporting really neat tattoo’s, so I decided I’d chronicle all I could, and post a gallery showcasing them. As I chatted with them before doing the shoot I was amazed that pretty much all of the people had an interesting story or two to go along with each bit of ink, and it was neat listening to all of the proud owners telling me about their unique body art! From the first gentleman who acknowledged he spends way too much time watching monster movies & horror flicks, to the military guy, a few religious/spiritual folks, to the final young man who because of his older brother knew that he would never be his Dad’s #1 Son, so he inked himself as #1A Son on the back of his calves. The compilation came out kinda neat….Enjoy!


I’ll Be Waiting….

Memorial Day, what a perfect day to post a few personal favorites from this weekend’s moving Return of the Red Tails event honoring the Heroic Tuskegee Airmen of WWII. As the Event Photographer I had the honor to spend the day amongst these hero’s, and also with one of the only two remaining P-51 Fighters that are still flying today.  It was a true honor. My thanks to all the Period Re-En actors featured in these great shots… our Fly-Boy Calvin, and the lovely, vintage Miss Racquel, who looks like she just stepped out of Hollywood in the ’40’s. Great Job you two!


Fall…..Seems So, So Long Ago.

Some Selections from a really pretty & fun,Fall Shoot. Great Job D !


Polar Vortex Fire & Ice

Made a Midnight Run tonight up to Seneca Lake with my buddy A.D. Wheeler to shoot the Northern Lights. Well, so much for the plans of mortal men! Once we got up there we found fully overcast skies just killing any chance at all to see this great celestial feast. So after sitting in the car and polishing off our DD hot chocolates, we walked out to the lake on the Clute Park Breakwater Wall, and we played around a little in the balmy 18 degree January morning glow at 1:00 A.M.  And ya know what? After looking more closely at these shots, maybe just maybe,  perhaps we did manage to capture some of that Aurora Borealis after all?
Kinda Kool, Huh? Had a lot of fun Andy, It was a real pleasure! 🙂


Aint “Tatt” Something?

The young man who belongs to this arm was a guest at a recent Wedding that I shot. I noticed his numerous Tattoos and while shooting few of them, he pointed out something remarkable. Look at this arm one way and it says LIFE, flip the arm around, and it says DEATH.  Who thinks this stuff up?


Dust In The Wind….

Friday…. it was a long, fun & special day. Up at 7:00 am believe  it or not…..out at 8:30 & off to a HUGE Estate Sale – to sell everything from the house in which my friends Jason, Angela & Clara spent so many years in – The house had been in their Maternal Grandfather’s Mother’s family –  they are assuming it was somewhere around 200 years – a lot of generations of people in one family who never really moved things out – just found places to store the things that currently weren’t being used. As my tribute to my above mentioned friends, today I took this journey through time, with my camera lens to my eye, as I ventured to capture a few telling images of these items. Items frozen in time for ages…….un-earthed & brought out and into the brilliant sunlight of today, to be found, claimed & enjoyed in the future by new owners. Enjoy!

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The 211 Studio Flamingoville Wreath

Since it’s December 8th and almost SIXTY DEGREES out….I thought….what better day to get the Holidays Flamingo out & proudly hang where her fair weather relatives spend their summers!!!!

Spending The Fourth With A Friend

I spent this sweltering hot Fourth of July afternoon with my old friend today…..dusted off the cob webs, pushed the original mileage up over 35,000 and did some shooting over at the old Horseheads Holding Point Industrial Complex. She still looks & runs great 36+ years after I bought her!
1976 Camaro – 35,000 miles 350 c.i., 4 Barrel, 4 Speed with added Fiberglass Fender Flares, Front Air Dam. Custom Paint, Stripes & Airbrush work by Horseheads’ very own, talented Artist Jimi Ademovic.
is the name I gave her“Blue Moves” is the eleventh studio album by British singer/songwriter Elton John, released in 1976.

























Mid-Winter @ The Holding Point * The Beginning of the End of Warehouse “H”

It’s been a while since I’ve been over here for a visit, but today I took a drive through the complex, shot a few neat Graffiti Cars, and also got a few shots of the demolition that is currently taking place on the Southwest end of the site. Last week they began demolishing one of the old WWII vintage warehouses to make way for new warehouse buildings that will soon be going up on the same footprint. These old buildings were built over 70 years ago….with sectional firewalls made up of bricks from our local Horseheads Brickyard …..but today these buildings leaked, couldn’t be heated efficiently, had roofs with ceiling height that is too low, & just couldn’t realistically be brought up to present day code, so demolition was their eventual & final fate. The new warehouses will be built to the exact specs needed to house the drilling sand, pipe, and other gas drilling supplies that are currently being warehoused & stored on that site.  Also, at the Northwest end of the site, the rail lines are all being rebuilt from end to end to hold the weight of the constant, non-stop traffic of sand and pipe cars. By the time this work is completed, this complex is going to be a top rate facility! Nice change from 70 + years of time & neglect!
































Dusk, in the Finger Lakes – July 29, 2011

On my way back from Friday Night’s Rehearsal Dinner up at Wagners Vineyards Ginny Lee Cafe’ in Lodi, NY, and as a spectacular Finger Lakes Sunset enveloped the Evening Sky I just had to stop and shoot the amazing view next to this old, abandoned, decrepit farmhouse with the rusted metal roof  that I have admired every single time I pass by! What A Sunset!

As I drove through into the bustling weekend activity in Downtown Watkins Glen, full of summer tourists I stopped across the street from the beautiful and recently renovated Glen Theater, and captured it’s resurrected night-time beauty in all of it’s glory!

What Great shots!….even when I thought I was finished shooting for the night! I guess you never know what awaits!








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