

“Turn, Baby Turn!” Cohocton Wind Farm 07/26/11

Had a shoot for a client this Beautiful Tuesday Afternoon at the Cohocton Wind Farm located on the Corn Field Covered Hill Tops of Cohocton, NY. Windier than Hell up there!!! That probably explains why they put these Giant Propellers up there in the first place! According to one of the Engineers…the Towers are 300 feet tall to the hub where the blades attach, and the blades are about 150 feet long.

I was just mesmerized at the melodious spinning of these Giant Behemoths ! I thought this was just sooooo cool! I’d love to use one on these someday on my Studio. They would supply all my Electrical Power needs, and for an added bonus….what a frigging Paper Shredder too!!!!!!

Finally, the last shot was taken on my way home as I was passing through the Village of Cohocton….the Old Railroad Station, or what was left of it…… caught this Artist’s Eye. …..Rustic, Raw, Weathered Beauty!






Holding Point Time Portal Ghosts 07/13/11

On my quest tonight for more new Railroad Car Graffiti Art, I stumbled upon these old doors….and they made me wonder….how many millions of people turned those knobs, and walked though those thresholds over the last 75 years?











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