

Gentleman Joe!

As I’m rolling through the endless editing process of my Niece Katie & “Nephew in Law?” Joes Wedding, these shots came out SOOOOOOO GREAT I just had to post one!
And as Donald Trump would say…..”Have I told you lately what a TREMENDOUS PHOTOGRAPHER I am?” Am I AWESOME or What???
“Do you realize just how TREMENDOUSLY LUCKY you were to have ME be there to shoot your fun day!!!!???  Just Thank God that you didn’t end up just having some LOSER shooting your day! Have I mentioned that I Graduated from the Professional Photography School of 600+ Weddings Shot!!?? And that I’m REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, TREMENDOUSLY GOOD! WILDLY GOOD beyond your Wildest Dreams!!!!  EXCUUUUUUSE ME!!!! & Enjoy!!!

PS: Joe, I’m Impressed! You EVEN looked like a Gentleman! YOU PULLED IT OFF BUDDY!!!!


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