

“How Suite It Is!” Yankee Stadium 07/24/11

Took my first trip this 2011 Season down to the “Cathedral in the Bronx” Yankee Stadium for the 1:05  Game this Hot Sunday Afternoon. Had Suite Tickets, and upon entering Suite #4 and grabbing some lunch, I was pleasantly surprised to find in my company Four Yankees Old Timers! Guys I grew up watching way back in the ’70’s on B&W TV! Outfielders Roy White &  Oscar Gamble, the very first Designated Hitter in Baseball Ron Bloomberg, and Catcher Jim Leyritz! I never bring a flash to a ballgame so the pix aren’t up to my usual standards, but hey they are better than nothing and I have something to go along with each of their autographs! How Cool is that!

Also, wish I brought my close-up micro lens, but also shown  in these pix are some shots of Yankees World Series Rings,  The Boss George Steinbrenner’s Personal Championship Ring collection, as well some of the beautiful Original Painted & Photographic Art that proudly hangs in the FedEx Suite Level Concourse.

Roy White

Roy White

Jim Leyritz

Oscar Gamble

Ron Bloomberg






























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