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Mid-Winter @ The Holding Point * The Beginning of the End of Warehouse “H”

It’s been a while since I’ve been over here for a visit, but today I took a drive through the complex, shot a few neat Graffiti Cars, and also got a few shots of the demolition that is currently taking place on the Southwest end of the site. Last week they began demolishing one of the old WWII vintage warehouses to make way for new warehouse buildings that will soon be going up on the same footprint. These old buildings were built over 70 years ago….with sectional firewalls made up of bricks from our local Horseheads Brickyard …..but today these buildings leaked, couldn’t be heated efficiently, had roofs with ceiling height that is too low, & just couldn’t realistically be brought up to present day code, so demolition was their eventual & final fate. The new warehouses will be built to the exact specs needed to house the drilling sand, pipe, and other gas drilling supplies that are currently being warehoused & stored on that site.  Also, at the Northwest end of the site, the rail lines are all being rebuilt from end to end to hold the weight of the constant, non-stop traffic of sand and pipe cars. By the time this work is completed, this complex is going to be a top rate facility! Nice change from 70 + years of time & neglect!

































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