

Rise & Shine It’s JACKALS Time!

For all you non-believers….I was actually at First Arena @ 7:30 A.M. this Monday Morning setting up for my 8:30 shoot! Got the new boys all shot, along with some of the staff and a bit of training camp action. Here’s a small taste…and something cool too. This season we have a couple of new Account Exec’s in the Front Office and they are Identical Twins! Calm down boys….THEY ARE GUYS!  Justin & Michael Karpowich from Atlanta! Robbie say’s he “found them in Vegas!”  Welcome to the Jackals Family Boys! Guys, I’ll tell you, I’m terrible with names as it is….so I’m NOT EVEN GOING TO TRY to remember who is who! Get some NAME TAGS, will ya?!!! And finally, a Hometown Horseheads guy….our new Head Athletic Trainer (white shirt) Jeff Andrews.





































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