

The Wall…

I’ve shot it many times….this Cold, Black Stone Sentinel of Solemn Honor. For men my age, it always takes our breath away. Because if not for the Grace of God and the lucky timing of the stroke of Nixon’s 1973 Vietnam War ending pen, my name could very easily now, have been etched on the inside of this wall, looking out at a life that could have been. So I wanted to do something different this time. So rather than trying to battle the crowds, the distractions, the sheer overwhelming number of endless names on each panel, as I have done in the past,  I decided to simplify this shoot to it’s most basic form.
Alpha & Omega. The Beginning & The End.
I simply focused on the very first name on the Wall, and the very last name on the Wall. Each name placed there pretty much in the very order in which each soldier died during this God Awful Atrocity of War.

John H. Anderson Jr.
Jessie C. Alba

You made the Ultimate Sacrifice for Our Country – Thank You, & May You Rest In Peace.


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