

This Guy……………………. Bringin’ ‘Merica….& a Beer!

So, there we were at yesterday’s  great Wedding of Rita & Seth at the beautiful Belhurst Castle  in Geneva, NY. After the ceremony, we’re doing the family shots out by the lake, and as things are winding down, & just when we need him… comes THIS GUY!  Afghanistan-U.S. Army Veteran Mike…..U.S. Flag & all!  C’Mon fellow Wedding Shooters……you KNOW who I mean! THAT GUY, who simply by his exploding presence, just by his simply being there brightens up the whole damn affair and kicks us all up a gear or two! So with a great new & meaningful prop, our military bridal party full of Iraq & Afghanistan Vets, REALLY shows us how to get it done!!!
And after the shoot was done, I swear I last saw our Beach Boy Mike, looking for his Seneca Lake Surf Board!


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