

“Trust Me Boys…Just Trust Me!”

So it’s Cassie & my old buddy Matt’s Wedding Day.

I’m shooting the ladies through the early afternoon as they are getting ready at a local winery, and I have to meet Matt & his guys down in Downtown Watkins Glen on The Pier @ 2:30 to do our shots of the guys along the Watkins Harbor. I’m halfway there when Matt calls me and says “Watkins is just Nuts!” It’s the Cardboard Boat Regatta in full force, and traffic is barely moving. Parking spots? Good luck there! People ALL OVER EVERYWHERE! Our Pier idea is toast. OK……so this is where I’m Really, Really Good! Improvising! Creating Something out of Nothing!

As I’m driving, I remember that I just passed this great old, beat to hell cottage/farmhouse that I have passed a million times while heading up the lake to other Weddings. So I tell Matt to meet me there with the guys, and we’ll do our shoot right there. So the Boys arrive, and while getting out of their cars they all give me “THE LOOK”. I’ve seen it a Million times! Whenever I take clients to spots that I just know will be killer backgrounds, they ALWAYS give me this “LOOK” of total disbelief! “WTH are we going to do here” they always ask? This time they were also worried that the place was going to collapse on all of us! “So when exactly did the Beverly Hillbillies move out?” someone asked…lol and I’m chuckling all the while.

“Trust Me Boys! Just Trust Me!”….when you finally see what I’m creating here….you’ll ALL be telling me what a Camera God I TRULY AM! Like my hero David Letterman always says…..”There’s NO OFF POSITION on the GENIUS SWITCH!”
So Gentlemen……….What do you think now?
You’re Welcome!!!!


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