What Was Once Old, Is New Again
My last Wedding of 2013 is tomorrow, I just got back from Rehearsal & Dinner at the Spectacular, Completely Renovated and Restored Cowles Hall of Elmira College, where the Wedding will be held. The Chapel is absolutely Breathtaking! Nested at the center of the huge structure, my Groom’s Dad is the Director of Facilities at the College, so I got a VIP tour of the entire place, and it is just beyond description. These windows, of Mark Twain & Olivia Langdon, are but two of a couple dozen or so that grace the inside of the Chapel, complete with a hi-tech, digital back-lighting system behind them so that it always looks like its a bright sunny day outside, on all sides of the room. Word is that the windows alone are valued at well over 2 million dollars. Wow!
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