

Wineglass Finishers…Kristin & Melinda

Got up Early this Rainy Sunday Morning and drove up to Corning to be at the Finish Line for the 2011 Wineglass Marathon, and to cheer our friends Kristin & Melinda on to the successful completion of their first marathon runs! When Melinda crossed the line, I asked how Kristin could have beaten her….that’s when she gave me the Raspberry!

Also, for those of you who know me….I am NOT a morning person! My motto is that I get to the Studio each day at the “Crack of NOON!” So this was pretty special to be up @ 8:00 A.M. on a  Sunday Morning. So, if you need any visual evidence of my early morning incompetence…. please be sure to check out the final image! As I was standing there in the rain, drinking my coffee, I happened to look down & noticed my unique selection of footwear for this morning’s event!! 🙂

And to make it even worse,  I’ve got to be up early again tomorrow morning for a 8:30 A.M. Jackals Players Training Camp Headshot Shoot @ First Arena! OMG….UP BEFORE 10:00 TWO DAYS IN A ROW! HAVE THE COFFEE GOING BOYS!!!!

And Kristin, I’m sorry that I couldn’t come up with one for you…..but I wrote a poem for Melinda:

“Our Friend Melinda, she used to live in a Yurt. Today she ran a Marathon,  and boy, do her feet Hurt!”






















































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