

“Austin Moody” Blues….

I was hired by the up and coming musical artist, Austin Moody to shoot his warm up act performance at First Arena on Friday Night. Very, Very nice young man who reminded me of a Young Elvis, especially with his Southern Tennessee Drawl. This Elmira gig was one of the first big time shows that he has opened for and he was pretty pumped and wanted to get some nice live shots of this major stepping stone in his bright career. Well Austin…..Mission Accomplished my friend!!!!
Louis Q, Let me know what you think!!! Shooting Shows is a Royal Challenge as you know…. as the lighting is always changing, and varies from place to place as the artists move around……and this shoot in particular didn’t have a lot of front spotlighting on the performers, so it was extra tough getting well lit faces, but despite that, I’m Psyched at the results.






















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