

“Smiles All Around”


“Water” we to do?

Ring Bearers & Flower Girls at Weddings. You just never know what you might find them doing!20131019-RB1_5093

Never too Young to Start!

From a Wedding a few weeks ago, it looks like this little guy had a tough morning before his big moment as Ring Bearer!
We’ve all been there Buddy! Drink lots of water & you’ll be just fine! 🙂


I was born at Night, but not Last Night!

This little guy certainly had a lot to say during a recent 211 Studio Session!!!
Baby talk translated….”Let’s lose the Cold Fish, and get me out of this Stupid Basket!!”

“Who Talked Me Into This Anyway?”


Father’s Day Memories

I spent late this afternoon at Eldridge Park with Tara & Mark, one of my couples whose Wedding I shared last October. Today we were joined by their boys Angel and little Sebastian, who hopefully & at the same time unwittingly created some magical Father’s Day memories for recall later on in their lives…..of that special Father’s Day, that day when they shared their very first spin on the Eldridge Park Carousel with Mom & Dad.

PS: Note to Photographers:  Always come to your shoot armed with Tootsie-Pops, they work great for bribing reluctant portrait subjects, and as you can see in the last image,  the associated sugar high really got this little Angel flying!!! Not to mention his making a great new friend with his best new buddy with all the Tootsie Pops….. Mr. Photographer!!!! 🙂


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