I noticed something pretty remarkable when I was editing my last Wedding. In these shots that we captured after the ceremony Laura, Mark & I must have been a couple hundred yards away from the crashing waters at the base of Taughannock Falls. Because of the strong winds swirling around in the canyon, here as well as during the actual Ceremony, we kept getting sprayed & chilled despite being so far away. I was amazed at how clearly the great glass in my Nikon Lens was able to catch those tiny droplets in mid air, to the point where they don’t even look like droplets anymore, but more like little threads of light dancing around in mid air… like little light meteors! Pretty cool! Check out both images by clicking on them, the first is the original image to give you an idea of our overall location, and the second is the close up of the same shot. Of course my D3s Camera Body, the settings, and the photographers steady hand had a bit more to also contribute too, but I doubt I could have captured such great detail it if I were using some of the cheaper, lower quality brand, knock-off lenses that are out there and that used too frequently by other shooters. Even though Nikon’s cost substantially more, they are worth it without a doubt. ALL of my lenses are Nikon Lenses. I wouldn’t trust anything else to capture my work. I really wanted to share this one with you.
