

“His Spirit Lives On”

A while back I posted this original image from my recent shoot of the Horseheads Fire Department. Since then I received a couple of requests by family, to see if I could add Brother & Father Dick into the mix. Not one to back down from a challenge, I figured this would be a great way to show off some of my Photoshop skills! I did it in a couple of versions…one where he looks real and where he was actually a part of the shoot, and the other is a more spirtual looking version. Let me know what you think, and which one you like the best?As many of you know Dick Sullivan was the Past HFD Fire Chief and he passed away very unexpectedly on 04/05/06.

“Stylin’ Stephen”… The ’30’s Are Back!

My favorite shot from this afternoon’s Studio Session.

“Where there’s Smoke, there’s Fire”

I’ve been busier than hell the past few days with the beginning of a week long portrait shooting session of ALL the Members of the Horseheads Fire Department…my buddies across the street from my 211 Studio. Having formerly been both a Horseheads, and a Town & Country Fireman myself, this shoot provided me with the chance to greet and catch up with many old friends, as well as to meet and get to know a bit, many of the newer members that have joined the ranks in recent years. Speaking of old friends, this afternoon I had the privilege to shoot my lifelong old buddy, HFD Chief Artie Sullivan, along with his two nephews, Kevin & Patrick, both of whom I have known since they were little boys. In my opinion, this is one of my all time favorite, meaningful, family portraits.

So what do you think? Is this shot SMOKING HOT, or what???

My Moments with Matt

Had the pleasure today to shoot formal Portraits for my good friend, now Deacon Matt Jones, who is making the long journey towards becoming a Roman Catholic Priest. We had a  lot of fun doing this shoot. I’m hoping/betting that this is my “Get into Heaven Free” card!!! Put in a good word for me Padre’!
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Annie & Jill

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“Wedding Girls”


“Seneca Splendor”

Melissa & Jeremy – 10/11/14

Geneva Events Center – Geneva, NY

Just a tease…



Selections from today’s fun outdoors Senior Shoot with my Buddy Billy’s “little girl”.
You did a nice job Domi!

Hanover Harvest Moon – 9/8/14

Great MoonRise earlier this evening as I was heading into the Studio, so I grabbed my camera and ran back over to the Square, and…. that was that!


Well, I’ve finally broken down & done it! I don’t do this cheesy stuff that seems to be the latest rage these days with Wedding images, But my Groom Steve pretty much begged me to do this one for them! And I gotta say, they all did a really great job on the “Godzilla Run”. So I said… John Candy In STRIPES….. “OK, I’ll Do It!!!”

So we’re up at Sullivan’s Monument / Newtown Battlefield State Park in Elmira, NY……and after most of our “REAL” shots were done, the gang let loose and did the Godzilla Run right past & below the monument. I thought that would look cool and give me the look I’d be going for here. So I picked out the running shot I liked the best….then surfed around to see what was out there for some killer Godzilla shots. Immediately I loved this one because it was pretty large, and also I loved the Purple color (who would have guessed, right?) and all the fire in his mouth. As I started creating this masterpiece, and merged the two images together, I even amazed myself. When I selected the Godzilla shot, I didn’t even realize how perfectly his front arm/claw was positioned & how it would form right around the monument spire!  But it really came together fantastic, as did all the rest of the Photoshop blending, cloning & merging ….and here we are! So I guess I found out that sometimes, I can even impress myself, without even knowing I am doing so! lol
Stevie & Kaitlyn….this one is for you!!! Great Job Kids!

And finally, I’ve gotta say….I’ve seen a lot of these shots, but this one is the Damn Best BY FAR! Color, Creativity, The Runners & the Site Location provide the Perfect Intersection of Fantasy & Reality!

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