

FALL’ing for Grace

Style & Grace

NINETEEN Years ago this past Summer I shot Grace’s Mom & Dad’s Wedding. At that time it was one of my Biggest & Most Fun Weddings to date. Well today I had the chance to shoot Stacey & Gary’s not so Little Girl! Man, does time FLY!

Picture Time Again!

It’s been a few years since my friends Dr. Eunice & Hector have been in to the 211 Studio for a shoot. Well, Eunice got a few new dresses since then, and we all know what that means! And Hector, I Really gotta have THAT JACKET, to wear when I go tooling around in my Xtreme Purple Wrangler!!!

Blue Barn Dresses

From a recent Wedding preparation shoot at White Hollow Acres in Wellsburg, NY…..just when you think that your surroundings might limit what you can create…..then all of a sudden you just SEE how things fit together so perfectly and can work out to create something very, very special.

“When you gotta go, you just GOTTA GO!”

So a few weeks ago I’m shooting Kelly & Joe’s Wedding down in Binghamton, NY and I’m out on the Golf Course and while I have the Bride & Groom & their Gang walking ahead of me to our shoot location, I saw our little Ring Bearer heading off into the weeds. Then, in the Hazy Glow of the Evening’s Fading Sunset, out of nowhere the Golden Showerstorm appears!!!
You just can’t make this stuff up!!
Nice underpants too! Oh to be a little kid once again!



Deja vu…..All Over Again!

My Wedding Shooting Philosophy has always been…”When something works…USE IT!”
So once again a few weeks ago,  I found myself at this Classic location, with my Wedding Guys for this Cool Shot! What made this shoot doubly neat, or more accurately “more Quadruple-y Neat” is the fact that FOUR of the guys appear in BOTH Images!
in 2014 was Jon & Katie’s Wedding…..and this year 2017 we were back for Greg & Ashley’s Big Day.
With this gang…I have a good feeling we’ll all be back here again!20170429-RB1_482620140906-RB1_8082

Sassy Cassie!!!

Shot Cassie last month..She’s my favorite Young, Local Artist…having painted the fine Zim Horse’s Heads Mural on the side of my 211 Studio Building. So this day I got to return the Artistic Talent Favor!!!

It’s Her Destiny!

Just a few more quick shots from our shoot almost a month ago! I’ve been buried with work, and wanted to take my time…so here we now begin. Great job Kiddo! You’re a Natural, and I bet you Mom & Dad are smiling from ear to ear…….LOTS more to come very soon, so stay tuned!













































Woods Nymph Afternoon…

Wood Nymph Afternoon
Spent Sunday afternoon with Cassie shooting all over the area….lots more to come, but these were just too cool to let wait!

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