


Had the pleasure yesterday to shoot this young lady for the second year in a row. If we forget the 99% humidity and the fact that we got drenched at the end of the very last shots while working on the bricks….(and if you look really closely you can see a couple raindrops streaking through the shot)…we had a BLAST!!  Fun Times!  lol

Family Bonding

Some Fav’s from a recent Family Studio Portrait Shoot.

Winter Blahs…. to Summer Heat!

With less than two weeks remaining till my first 2016 Wedding, the Wintertime Work Wish List is almost complete:
All Inclusive Winter/Spring Cleaning –  Almost DONE!
New Color Scheme Painting & Layout of Studio Framing & Gear Room – DONE
New, Clean Energy Efficient LED Lighting Installed, Inside & Out – DONE
New Outside Artwork Illumination Installed and Looking GREAT – Check it out the next time you’re driving by at night!
And with all that completed before the Wedding Work begins, I actually had some time to dig through the archives of old shoots from a few years ago that I really liked but never did a lot with, and worked a little of my Post Shoot Processing Magic, and I think they came out Pretty Sweet! So what do you think?
Models, lines are open, and operators are taking your booking calls now!!!


“SummerShine Fun in the Sun”

Hopefully now Spring is just around the corner, and soon we’ll finally be able to get outside once more for some fun outdoor shooting. I know that I’m known best for my Wedding and Sports Images, and on occasion each season I really like to kick it up a notch, get down & dirty & play “Grunge & Glamour Fashion Fotographer!”  And for sure, these aren’t those Cheesy “Old Lady Glamour Shots” that your Mother had done! What better gift for that favorite guy in your life than a Sexy, Personal, One of a Kind Photo Session where you can really let loose & show Him & The World Who You REALLY ARE!  Bring along your Best Girlfriend to cheer you on and help make sure that your hair and makeup look Absolutely Amazing! Live a Little, Let Loose and Have Some Fun for a Change! Contact Me Today and Tell Me what YOUR Modeling Fantasy will look like!!!

“Trust Me Boys…Just Trust Me!”

So it’s Cassie & my old buddy Matt’s Wedding Day.

I’m shooting the ladies through the early afternoon as they are getting ready at a local winery, and I have to meet Matt & his guys down in Downtown Watkins Glen on The Pier @ 2:30 to do our shots of the guys along the Watkins Harbor. I’m halfway there when Matt calls me and says “Watkins is just Nuts!” It’s the Cardboard Boat Regatta in full force, and traffic is barely moving. Parking spots? Good luck there! People ALL OVER EVERYWHERE! Our Pier idea is toast. OK……so this is where I’m Really, Really Good! Improvising! Creating Something out of Nothing!

As I’m driving, I remember that I just passed this great old, beat to hell cottage/farmhouse that I have passed a million times while heading up the lake to other Weddings. So I tell Matt to meet me there with the guys, and we’ll do our shoot right there. So the Boys arrive, and while getting out of their cars they all give me “THE LOOK”. I’ve seen it a Million times! Whenever I take clients to spots that I just know will be killer backgrounds, they ALWAYS give me this “LOOK” of total disbelief! “WTH are we going to do here” they always ask? This time they were also worried that the place was going to collapse on all of us! “So when exactly did the Beverly Hillbillies move out?” someone asked…lol and I’m chuckling all the while.

“Trust Me Boys! Just Trust Me!”….when you finally see what I’m creating here….you’ll ALL be telling me what a Camera God I TRULY AM! Like my hero David Letterman always says…..”There’s NO OFF POSITION on the GENIUS SWITCH!”
So Gentlemen……….What do you think now?
You’re Welcome!!!!

“Lovin’ Cayuga”

Lovin’ Cayuga
Natasha & Jon sharing some Wedding Afternoon Fun in the Sun!

The Tin Man Awaits…

Spent Saturday after the RANGERS big WIN envisioning, brainstorming and building the set & lighting for this coming weeks Studio Shoots in my awesome, modern, ground floor Professional Studio. The past couple weeks I’ve been searching for old, rusted out, used, corrugated tin roofing. No one seemed to have any, and a few old barns recently torn down, well I just missed nailing some by just a week or so…till BINGO, my buddy Bill Baker of Photographers Tech & Training Solutions in Elmira, NY, stumbled upon some on Craig’s List at a place up in Ithaca. The perfect amount of rusted roofing at a great price at a place called FINGER LAKES RE-USE CENTER which is located in the Triphammer Marketplace just off  the Triphammer Road/ Rt. 13 exit. Imagine every single rummage sale, garage sale, and auction that you’ve ever been at, coupled with all of the remodeling & building hardware that you have ever tossed out in your lifetime in a huge storefront. Electronics, housewares, tools, books, furniture, doors windows, molding, electric & plumbing fixtures, lumber, bath tubs, sinks, toilets, lumber. All of it reclaimed (Hey, It’s ITHACA!) and just waiting for a new life. The prices are very reasonable and they have so much product that they have some of the overflow stored outside in huge shipping containers. So remember, if you are ever looking something off the wall and are just coming up dry, you might just want to check this place out. Like I said, they do advertise lots of the inventory on Craigs List.
Here are a couple shots while I was getting the lighting tuned in, being assisted by my ever present Studio Lighting Model, the Prince of Darkness Himself, Dick Cheney!

Booted Barnstormers!

A quick shot from yesterdays great Wedding up in Hammondsport, NY & despite the snarl of traffic caused by the Crafts Festival in the Square, everyone had a blast!
Bride Christine and her Gals just loved showing off their Country Cowboy Boots! As you can see the girls were all pretty shy!
And thanks so much for the great compliment from Christine’s Brother Michael, at the end of the night. It really doesn’t take a lot of words to make my day.
As I was packing up after the rehearsal he came up and simply said…”Thanks for making my Sister Happy!”
Mission Accomplished! 🙂

Takin’ The Dive!

Just yesterday was the GREAT Wedding & Reception of Molly & Zach at the beautiful  Icelandic Winds Farm up in the hills of Addison, NY . Molly’s folks live there on this beautiful property, and earlier in the week, we did something really cool that I’ve been wanting to do for quite a while now! They have the really great Pond you see….and I’ve always wanted to do the Bride & Groom Plunge thing….well last Wednesday I fulfilled that desire! With the help of  a Wedding Dress from “Sal’s Boutique”, and two of my fellow Photographer Buddies, Mike Kohberger & Corey Bernas lending a few extra hands on reverse angle camera shots ….well, check these shots out! Pretty Damn Neat!!!!







Fall…..Seems So, So Long Ago.

Some Selections from a really pretty & fun,Fall Shoot. Great Job D !


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