

My Tribute to Titanic – 100 Years Later – 04/15/1912 – 04/15/2012

As many of my close friends know, I have always had a great interest & fascination with the Titanic , as well as what I feel is a very eerie connection to this storied ship. To commemorate the 100th Year Anniversary of her Maiden Voyage and ultimately her Journey into Eternity, I put together a nice display of some of my collection of period objects, here in the Front Lobby of my Office/Studio.

For any of you that are interested, I have also attached a link to my story, (I finally wrote it all down a few years ago because I’ve been telling it so many times) which details why I feel I have this genuine Titanic connection. So if you’ve got a few minutes, give it a read and let me know what you think? Enjoy!


My TITANIC story:


































“Rail Re-Birth” in Horseheads, NY

This spring, there has been a lot of activity around the Horseheads Holding Point Rail Yards. New Crossing Signals/Arms are going up at Watkins Road, and the Holding Point Rail Beds are almost all getting re-built. These shots are from the just re-built switch bed, located right at the main entrance off Watkins Rd./ North Main Street (just across from my studio). New Rails, a fresh bed of crushed gravel ballast & the overpowering smell of New, Creosote Soaked & Blackened RR Ties,  gives quite the impression of strength & longevity! Perhaps this batch will last another 75 years like the last ones did?!














“Ten Years’ Tears – 9/11 Memories in the Moonlight”

I ran up to Corning tonight just before Midnight to shoot the Corning Credit Union Building that I saw was lit up as an American Flag….but when I got there most of the lights were either burned out or turned off :(, but then I spotted another treasure. Corning Inc.s old HQ Building was lit in honor of the Twin Towers…..and as I was shooting and took in the entire scene I realized that American Flag hanging in the Skywalk over the Street, and that the entire scene resembled Trade Center Plaza and it’s SkyWalk Pedestrian Bridge that passes over West St. in Manhattan, a scene that I shot may times during the ’80’s. That’s the whole trick to Photography…..ALWAYS keep your EYES & MIND OPEN!









“Stars & Stripes, Under The Stars”

Some pretty neat shots from my visit on Friday Evening…




















































9/11 “Field of Flags”- Horseheads, NY

This Tremendous Display is currently being assembled on the grounds of St. Mary Our Mother Parish in Horseheads, NY. The flags are currently being unfurled. When complete, organizers say there will be over 2000 flags on display this 9/11 weekend. Check it out if you can!
































Silently Losing My Mind!!!! 06/22/11

Late Sunday Night my computer got hit with a Sasser Virus and knocked me right on my butt! The computer was in the capable hands of my buddy John Cecce @ Bit Bucket Computers all day Monday getting swept of all bugs & having Windows re-loaded, and ever since I have been here, battling technology 1000 different ways while trying to get all of my programs back, re-installed, re-loaded and re-configured to the way they were!. After the second day in a row of leaving the Studio after 3:00 A.M., I’m kinda wishing for the good old days…. of FILM & CHEMICALS & DARKROOMS!

Life was soooo much simpler way back then! Good Night Cruel World!

I’m now in the Blogosphere!

Just a test, as I’m trying out my blog page feature for the first time! Feel free to comment

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