My Tribute to Titanic – 100 Years Later – 04/15/1912 – 04/15/2012
As many of my close friends know, I have always had a great interest & fascination with the Titanic , as well as what I feel is a very eerie connection to this storied ship. To commemorate the 100th Year Anniversary of her Maiden Voyage and ultimately her Journey into Eternity, I put together a nice display of some of my collection of period objects, here in the Front Lobby of my Office/Studio.
For any of you that are interested, I have also attached a link to my story, (I finally wrote it all down a few years ago because I’ve been telling it so many times) which details why I feel I have this genuine Titanic connection. So if you’ve got a few minutes, give it a read and let me know what you think? Enjoy!