

“Lovin’ Cayuga”

Lovin’ Cayuga
Natasha & Jon sharing some Wedding Afternoon Fun in the Sun!

Watkins When Trailercana?

A scene that has captivated me from my childhood to today. So tonight on my way back from my Sunday Wedding Rehearsal, I finally shot it, and then played with it a bit.
You know where this is….. I know you do!

“Where there’s Smoke, there’s Fire”

I’ve been busier than hell the past few days with the beginning of a week long portrait shooting session of ALL the Members of the Horseheads Fire Department…my buddies across the street from my 211 Studio. Having formerly been both a Horseheads, and a Town & Country Fireman myself, this shoot provided me with the chance to greet and catch up with many old friends, as well as to meet and get to know a bit, many of the newer members that have joined the ranks in recent years. Speaking of old friends, this afternoon I had the privilege to shoot my lifelong old buddy, HFD Chief Artie Sullivan, along with his two nephews, Kevin & Patrick, both of whom I have known since they were little boys. In my opinion, this is one of my all time favorite, meaningful, family portraits.

So what do you think? Is this shot SMOKING HOT, or what???


On a ZERO Degree Sunday in February….If you can’t Melt Em, Shoot ‘Em! Ending With our Winner…The Longest Icicles In the Village of Horseheads, NY! At least that I could find!


Taughannock Time Trip

A really N-ICE shot while warming up for last Sunday’s Engagement Shoot @ The Falls.
Beautiful all year long!

“Seneca Splendor”

Melissa & Jeremy – 10/11/14

Geneva Events Center – Geneva, NY

Just a tease…


“Walkin’ on the Dock of the Lake…”

Just finishing up & posting tonight the Wedding of Katie & Jon.  Lots of Great Memories with this Fun Gang, and a lotta Great Images! Looking forward to tomorrows start to my Tripleheader Wedding Weekend. I know I’ll be DEAD by Sunday Night, but can’t wait to see what GREAT images my Couples & I come up with! Stay Tuned!



Selections from today’s fun outdoors Senior Shoot with my Buddy Billy’s “little girl”.
You did a nice job Domi!

9/11 Relic Calls Elmira Home

Today I stopped  by and spent a few moments with a piece of the 9/11 Horror of the World Trade Center, Twin Towers that is now on permanent display in Elmira. Very nicely done & very moving.
Never Forget….

Hanover Harvest Moon – 9/8/14

Great MoonRise earlier this evening as I was heading into the Studio, so I grabbed my camera and ran back over to the Square, and…. that was that!

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