

“The Seven Tops”…..A Tumblin’ Dice!

As usual, it’s 2:00 A.M. & I’m editing a really fun recent Wedding Shoot late into the night and I just came upon these absolute GEMS!!

Greg & his Guys…. I dubbed them   “The Seven Tops”    & they were so much fun to work with!  Add in those Classic ’50’s-’60’s Tuxedo’s & well, I just kept having visions of Sammy, Jerry, Frank & Dean in Vegas during the Golden Years of the ’50’s! So Am I good or what?













Bridesmaids Blues…

Spending tonight, like most evenings editing a recent Wedding Shoot, and came upon this shot that I just thought was really great of a Bridesmaid, as the girls were getting ready on the morning of the Wedding! I loved her facial expression, her eyes, and the way that multiple blue stuff in the background just “popped”….which I think in reality are actually the matching scarves that went along with their Blue Bridesmaid Dresses! Anyway’s, I just love this shot! NOW BACK TO WORK!










Seneca Sunset Stunner!!!!

From our June 29, 2012 Wedding Reception at the Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel, Che & Jason and I were treated to what I think was one of the finest Sunsets that I’ve ever seen and/or had the opportunity to capture, while we were out on the Harbor Pier!!! Sometimes it all just CLICKS! This one was just…SPECTACULAR!
These shots really illustrate what can be captured by a Photographer who  really knows what they are doing, and “even” knows how to shoot & adjust both the camera & flash MANUALLY, because unfortunately too many of today’s self proclaimed “Wedding Photographers” couldn’t shoot in manual  if their lives depended on it. Just Sayin’! Enjoy!



















Ann & David’s Triathalon Wedding Day!

As I approach 2012 Wedding # 15 & my shooting season half way point, I wanted to take a moment to blog post one of my favorites so far. Ann & David’s Wedding was just so unique and personal that I wanted to share it with all of you today. For those of you who know me….. you’ll quickly see why it left such an impression on me. I was UP AT 5:00 A.M. and in a row boat on Keuka Lake at  7:00 A.M. while I was covering their Cross-Keuka & Back swimming Waker-Upper! All before 10:00 A.M.!! That was soon followed by a 5K Run along East Lake Drive . Add to that a beautifully restored classic 1942 Chris-Craft, a fantastic walk through Hammondsport NY, an intimate Lakeside Wedding Ceremony at a friend’s Wonderful and Warm Lake Home. Add lots of Fun, Family & Friends, as well as one of the finest Sunset Shoot’s I’ve ever had the chance to capture, and finish the weekend off with a great Dockside Fireworks Show that was the Brides surprise Wedding gift to her Groom.
I hope you enjoy viewing these images as much as I did while shooting them!

“Rick, sorry I’ve not offered more feedback yet. I’ve been traveling for work so it’s been hard to give them the attention they deserve. But…THEY ARE SPECTACULAR!! I can’t believe how many amazing pictures you were able to get.  I am so impressed with the quality of the images you captured. So many captures of anticipation, gratitude, joy, love, fun, etc.  Thank you, Rick. You gave us all we expected and more. “
More later,























































































































Binghamton Bridge

Getting ready for tomorrow’s Binghamton, NY Wedding. I just LOVE this Bridge! Wonder what fun we’ll have there tomorrow???













Celebrity Look-a-Like – Regis Philbin

Next in what will be a continuing series of posts of new Celebrity Look-a-Likes that I run into during the course of my Wedding shoots!
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I spot people at Weddings, and immediately they remind me of an athlete, actor, actress, singer or politician. Once I mention it to them, others who hear the conversation always seem to chime in & agree, and usually my “Celebrity” victim has heard it all before.

Next Up…Mr. Retirement himself…Regis Philbin….I ran into Reege this weekend at Martha & Max’s April 22, 2012 Hill Top Inn Wedding!







Celebrity Look-a-Like – David Letterman

This is the first of what will be a continuing series of posts of new Celebrity Look-a-Likes that I run into during the course of my Wedding shoots!
I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I spot people at Weddings, and Immediately they remind me of an athlete, actor, actress, singer or politician. Once I mention it to them, others who hear the conversation always seem to chime in & agree, and usually my “celebrity” victim has heard it all before.
Anyway…..Here I am with my Hero…a David Letterman Look-a-Like (& our Bride Ashley’s Uncle) from the Wedding of Ashley & Patrick last July 2, 2011.

And as Dave & I both like to say…”There is No Off Position on The Genius Switch!”













Jenn & Jen… Jan!

This afternoon I met with, and Booked my first Same Sex Wedding which I am really looking forward to! The Jen(n)’s and I had a great couple of hours getting to know each other, sharing stories, jokes, ideas and just imagining how they hope their big day unfolds next January in Downtown Binghamton, NY.

Ladies, Thanks for letting me share a special part of your Upcoming Day, and I just know it will be here before we know it!

I’ll also take this opportunity to mention that I am still offering a Special Discount for Same Sex Couples until the end of June, so check it out!


My February Ending, Future Wedding “Thank-You’s!”

The past couple of weeks have been unbelievably busy with 2012 & 2013 Wedding Bookings, and I just wanted to take a moment to catch my breath & offer a truly genuine “Thank-You” to all of my new, recently contracted & up-coming  “Wedding Couples” who have chosen to give me the honor of being an important part of their very big day!  Thanks for your friendship, and your confidence in my ability & vision, and I already know that we’ll have a fun day, and that together we’ll capture the true essence, fun and laughter of your Special Day!


Gretchen_&_Mike  *  Martha_&_Max  *  Maria_&_Michael  *  Kelly_&_Wade  *  Octavia_&_Joseph  *  Kimberley_&_Patrick  *  Ann_&_David  *  Che_&_Jason  *  Sarah_&_Kevin  *  Janelle_&_Jordan  *  Adam_&_Meghan  *  Jackie_&_Aaron  *  Katie_&_Jeff  *  Jennifer_&_Gregory  *  Katelyn_&_Billy  *  Grace_&_David  *  Ashley_&_Adam  *  Katie_&_Kyle  *   Mary-Jo_&_Brandon  *   Kathryn_&_Gary  *  Jennifer_&_Andy  *  Mikki_&_Mike  *  Laura_&_Gary


Jenn_&_Jen * Manda_&_Jason  *  Jennifer_&_Bryan  *  Rachel_&_Sheldon  *  Lydia_&_Shawn  *  Sarah_&_Ted  *  Michelle_&_Ryan  *  Julie_&_Ian


Wedding Morning Paintball! 10/09/11

To Start off yesterday’s great Fall Sunday Wedding Day of Amber & Andy – 10/09/11, I joined our Groom & about a dozen of his fellow warriors in Ashland,  for my first Paintball Experience! These Guys are Hard Core! Camouflage Underwear….Really? What a great morning to be in the woods too! It was about 70 degrees, the blanket of fallen leaves already on the ground was dry, the brilliant sunshine above  was just streaming through the tall, colorful trees, while the leaves were falling all over the place. At the end of our epic battle I gathered all the warriors together across this woodland stream, while I got down into the creek bed rocks while keeping my D3S just above the running waters of that Babbling Brook. I shot this wide angle shot of the boys, with the sunshine at their backs, just as they started shooting their remaining paintballs into the air. They began bursting open once they hit the branches above & soon it was raining yellow paint on us all!
This shot reminds me of a jungle shot you saw in Apocalypse Now, Hamburger Hill or Platoon! What a cool way to start this great day!










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