

Jimi Hendrix – Wedding Crasher!

As Elmira locals know, we are blessed in our community with the re-incarnation of ’60’s Rock Legend Jimi Hendrix, who is seen frequently roaming the streets of the Queen City. So after today’s September 1, 2012 Wedding of Grace & David @ North Presbyterian, we took a walk over to the Campus of Elmira College to have some fun. As I got my gang set up on the steps of Hamilton Hall and with my back to the street I heard Gracie say…”There’s Jimi Hendrix!” I looked, and sure as hell there he was walking down College Ave.! I hollered over to him & asked if he had a minute & might want to join us in some Wedding Pictures….& he said “Everybody Want’s Me in Pictures!” and well….. Here We Are! Keep on Rockin’ Jimi!










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