

“Mr. Hollywood” & “Governor Bridgegate”

This weekend’s Wedding of Jillianne & Damen at the Elmira Country Club was a Star Studded Event for sure! The Grooms Dad, Ray, was a dead ringer for Hollywood Heartthrob George Clooney in 20 years. He also had a little Dick Van Dyke thrown in there, so for the rest of the weekend we settled on simply calling him “Mr. Hollywood” which he really ate up!!!
Then, we have the guest on the right, who was a dead ringer for NJ Governor Chris Christie! He even told me later in the evening that he was pulled over once by Pennsylvania State Troopers for speeding, and after they approached the car & he rolled  down his window & looked pissed off…..they both started stammering and apologized to the Governor for wasting his time with the mistaken traffic stop! He didn’t say a word & they never even asked for his license! LOL
I sure can pick those Celebrity Look-A-Likes! One of the fun parts of this job!


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