

GALLERY #2 – First Baptist Church – Elmira, NY 02/14/25 Fire Aftermath – Shot on 02/15/25


Spent this cold, early afternoon today at the “Scene of the Crime” …. of last night’s devastatingly destructive fire capturing the Charred and still Smoldering remains of the former First Baptist Church in Downtown Elmira. I know a lot of folks have posted pics so far, but I’m adding a bit of a twist to my first few folders of them.

Over the years I was lucky enough to shoot a few Weddings in this Grand Baptist Temple, and after I returned to the warmth of my 211 Studio from my shooting, I dug…and I mean DUG out some images from a Wedding I shot there on September 1 of 2007 so that you could get a small taste of some details of just how stunningly beautiful this building was when it was still being used, and what a loss it truly is to our community. From the Exquisite Stained Glass Windows, to outside in the long lost craftsmanship found in the Beautiful Stonework pretty much everywhere you look, to just a couple shots showing how large & bright the sanctuary was. ENJOY!


GALLERY #1 – First Baptist Church – Elmira, NY 02/14/25 Fire Aftermath – Shot on 02/15/25



Spent this cold, early afternoon today at the “Scene of the Crime” …. of last night’s devastatingly destructive fire capturing the Charred and still Smoldering remains of the former First Baptist Church in Downtown Elmira. I know a lot of folks have posted pics so far, but I’m adding a bit of a twist to my first few folders of them.

Over the years I was lucky enough to shoot a few Weddings in this Grand Baptist Temple, and after I returned to the warmth of my 211 Studio from my shooting, I dug…and I mean DUG out some images from a Wedding I shot there on September 1 of 2007 so that you could get a small taste of some details of just how stunningly beautiful this building was when it was still being used, and what a loss it truly is to our community. From the Exquisite Stained Glass Windows, to outside in the long lost craftsmanship found in the Beautiful Stonework pretty much everywhere you look, to just a couple shots showing how big the sanctuary was. ENJOY!


Elmira’s own, Dr. Jackal – Paul DiPietro

“Elmira’s Flat Iron Eulogy”

This past year I haven’t gone out and done much “fun” shooting…. shooting stuff just for the hell of it. Just didn’t feel it. Well today was my day to break out of my “Covid-19 Coma”
21 years ago when I was scouring old Elmira, looking for some Grand Old Warehouse where I wanted to locate my soon to be New Studio, this building immediately caught my eye. It was so unique, and could have been a really neat Studio setting, but even in 2000 the place was way beyond repair, that is unless you had a Million Dollars to pump into it. So needless to say I moved on & found and rented my first home just around the corner at 352 State Street before buying my current 211 Studio Building here in Horseheads.
So after seeing all the recent, advanced deterioration of the Flatiron’s roof & upper bricks & the rest of the decay that was destroying this unique Elmira structure, and then learning that it’s days were soon to be numbered, I made my trek downtown to put this Grand Old Lady to Photographic Sleep!
Enjoy, and remember to click on images to enlarge to full size!
PS: if anyone from the City of Elmira or Chemung County DPW sees this, (I believe you guys will be tearing it down) please message me. I want to ask you a question before this building gets hauled away brick by brick to the eternity landfill. Thanks!


FALL’ing for Grace

Style & Grace

NINETEEN Years ago this past Summer I shot Grace’s Mom & Dad’s Wedding. At that time it was one of my Biggest & Most Fun Weddings to date. Well today I had the chance to shoot Stacey & Gary’s not so Little Girl! Man, does time FLY!

Ali @ Havana Glen

It’s Senior Pic time again! I shot Ali’s Big Sis Ryanna 2 years ago…. Step into the Spotlight Ali, You did a Great Job!
(ps: I didn’t do too bad either!)

Ali @ Gram’s With “Willie’s Car”

It’s Senior Pic time again! I shot Ali’s Big Sis Ryanna 2 years ago….Step into the Spotlight Ali, You did a Great Job!
(ps: I didn’t do too bad either!)

Ali @ Home


Picture Time Again!

It’s been a few years since my friends Dr. Eunice & Hector have been in to the 211 Studio for a shoot. Well, Eunice got a few new dresses since then, and we all know what that means! And Hector, I Really gotta have THAT JACKET, to wear when I go tooling around in my Xtreme Purple Wrangler!!!

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