

Destiny T-Rumped

Having a little fun back at the 211 Studio with a really YUUUUGE Fan!

Donald Trump 's distinctively coiffured hair sparks Social Networks to find the animals that look like the US Presidential hopeful. Cat owners brush their feline's hair forward or sometimes add fur to resemble the mighty republican's comb-over - other animals need no help, looking uncannily like the out-spoken New Yorker. / Source: INTERNET

It’s Her Destiny!

Just a few more quick shots from our shoot almost a month ago! I’ve been buried with work, and wanted to take my time…so here we now begin. Great job Kiddo! You’re a Natural, and I bet you Mom & Dad are smiling from ear to ear…….LOTS more to come very soon, so stay tuned!













































Woods Nymph Afternoon…

Wood Nymph Afternoon
Spent Sunday afternoon with Cassie shooting all over the area….lots more to come, but these were just too cool to let wait!


Had the pleasure yesterday to shoot this young lady for the second year in a row. If we forget the 99% humidity and the fact that we got drenched at the end of the very last shots while working on the bricks….(and if you look really closely you can see a couple raindrops streaking through the shot)…we had a BLAST!!  Fun Times!  lol

Welcome to Horseheads – “Zim” Style Reborn!

A Big Shout-Out to Cassie Cavanaugh for the GREAT job that she did in adding/painting native Horseheads Artist Eugene “Zim” Zimmerman’s Iconic Three Horses Welcome Sign onto the North/East Wall of my 211 Studio Building on North Main Street. Cassie’s Art Class at HHS recently completed re-creating this sign that now hangs on the Horseheads Historical Society Museum RR Station/Building, and after I saw it there, I knew that I wanted one on my Studio! It just works so perfectly, as you see this neat welcome sign as you approach the Historic Hanover Square Business District from the North. Great Job Cassie! And THANK YOU So Much for your Time & Talent Cassie!


“SummerShine Fun in the Sun”

Hopefully now Spring is just around the corner, and soon we’ll finally be able to get outside once more for some fun outdoor shooting. I know that I’m known best for my Wedding and Sports Images, and on occasion each season I really like to kick it up a notch, get down & dirty & play “Grunge & Glamour Fashion Fotographer!”  And for sure, these aren’t those Cheesy “Old Lady Glamour Shots” that your Mother had done! What better gift for that favorite guy in your life than a Sexy, Personal, One of a Kind Photo Session where you can really let loose & show Him & The World Who You REALLY ARE!  Bring along your Best Girlfriend to cheer you on and help make sure that your hair and makeup look Absolutely Amazing! Live a Little, Let Loose and Have Some Fun for a Change! Contact Me Today and Tell Me what YOUR Modeling Fantasy will look like!!!

Purple Frenzy!!!

The other day I saw some Facebook Friends & past Wedding Couple, post some shots of a new painting scheme that they have underway, and the bold butterscotch color they were applying. Yeah, it was a little brighter than most people would use, but then…..why have Zillions of colors of Paint if no one uses them? With that being said, before Wedding Season hits this spring, I had some spare time and just finished repainting my Equipment/Gear Storage & Framing Room….which remained in the Bright Pink color scheme of my previous Studio Partner Maria Strinni, even after she moved out of the area. Just didn’t have the time or desire to change it all up again. Well, times have changed….and this room is MINE Now! So what do you think? Purple Frenzy with Lime Burst! Bright Enough for you?? Even Purple Filing Cabinets!!!!

All Grown Up!

It’s Senior Picture time again Kiddos, and it’s always amazing when friends or relatives call to have their son or daughter schedule a visit to my Studio. I guess it really lets me know how fast the years are flying by! During today’s downpours I had the pleasure to shoot Tia’s Senior Portrait here at the 211 Studio. I’ve known her since she was born, as our families have been very close friends for years. It’s amazing, her transformation into a pretty, young woman. It seems just like yesterday when I was shooting some ‘Sister” portraits of Tia and her younger sister on the playground of a local grade school! Wow!



Selections from today’s fun outdoors Senior Shoot with my Buddy Billy’s “little girl”.
You did a nice job Domi!

An Afternoon With Alex

Spent Saturday afternoon with Alex, and we had a blast working together creating his Senior Portrait Shoot. We had a nice winter weather afternoon in a great setting….I mean how can you go wrong when your parents own and operate a Winery & Vineyard that we could use as our location? So tell me….how did we do? Great Job Alex, It was a pleasure shooting you!

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