

Genius of Youth

During tonight’s Jackals Game, I spotted these two little guys sitting a few rows above my shooting perch… they were totally absorbed in something….I just thought it was kinda cool!
What Hockey Game??? & In the last one, I can almost read his mind! “WTF?”

RANGERS @ SABRES 03/08/16 (part 4)


RANGERS @ SABRES 03/08/16 (part 3)


GOAL!!!!!!! #40 Darcy Murphy … Welcome to Elmira!


RANGERS @ SABRES 03/08/16 (part 1)

GREAT Game & Fine Shooting on Tuesday Night, the RANGERS came out on top 4-2 in the end. Ran into countless Elmira folks who also shuffled on up to Buffalo. It was a beautiful drive…73 degrees in places along the way! A bit different from last years slog when it was around Zero going up, then -18 coming back! No Climate Change here folks!
Anyway…I’m working my way through the First Period now, of nearly 2000 shots, so here’s just a tease till I get through all of them and post some full Blog Galleries! Hope you enjoy looking, as much as I did capturing. And make sure you click on each image, as they pop open pretty big!!!! God I Love What I do! PS: as usual, Thanks Jared for hooking me up!
I posted this on Facebook from the game, but I had the pleasure to meet and have dinner with the Buffalo Sabres Team Photographer Bill Wippert. Here I thought I’ve been shooting for the Jackals a long time now in season #16, but that’s NOTHING! We’re the same age, and Bill’s been shooting for the Sabres for FORTY ONE FRIGGING YEARS!!! Unbelievable!

Puck It!


Jumping for Joy!

You don’t see this very often…but when you do you NEVER see a guy jumping quite this high to screen out the other teams Goalie while at the same time trying to make a path for the puck to possibly squeak through if you’re lucky! ALSO, seeing that I’m posting something tonight….how ’bout a few COOL SNOWMAN shots!!! Remember….ICE IS NICE!
And finally……the Pre-Game Goalie Ritual just before hitting the ice, in Classic, old school B & W.

“Junior Jackals……Someday”

On Monday’s Martin Luther King Jr. Elmira Jackals early afternoon matinee game against Brampton, the Jackals Organization went out of their way to help Fan the Flames of Ambition and Aspiration in the Bodies, Hearts, Minds & Souls of these budding little, hopefully someday, NHL Super Stars! Great Job Boys!!!!


The Snowman!

There wasn’t a lot for Elmira fans to get excited about at Sunday’s Jackals game, but here’s a “COOL” shot from the Jackals Debut of Goaltender Alex Vazzano. Hey….isn’t there a Bridge in NYC named after this guy??

Puck Jugglin’!

Even though the boys came up short tonight with a 4-0 loss, I came away with one of my best “series” shots so far this season!
So what’s cool when I’m in my “Shooting Zone” is that sometimes I even amaze myself! Most times as a shooter you just know when you capture something really great. But tonight was just one of those times when I was pleasantly surprised once I got back to the Studio & fired up Lightroom and started editing tonight’s game shoot!
When shooting hockey, things always happen so fast, and sometimes there are so many bodies flying around all over that I’m not really certain of what I’m getting, but I just have the feeling in my viewfinder that it all just looks right, and this could be good! So when I got to these I was really surprised because I don’t even remember much of this great save sequence at all…seeing the puck being tossed around, and I don’t remember having such a great, clear shot at all the action….the floating puck, the Goalies Mask, all the sticks, and everything in clear view not getting blocked out by legs, sticks, or bodies, or Ref’s & Linesmen skating by right in front of me between my camera and the action. Sometimes you just get lucky…and this series was one of those times!!!! Made the whole crappy 4- zip loss night worthwhile!

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