Life is funny….
Sometimes things are just happening all around us for a reason, and we never even know it until its too late. Just this weekend, which was also my 55th birthday on 9/15, I was honored to shoot my Cousin Sue’s Son, Kyle’s, Wedding to Katie. We all had a great time and a lot of fun over the weekend. I hadn’t seen my Aunt Mary (Sue’s Mom) for quite some time, but there she was, at Friday’s Rehearsal, the Dinner afterward, and of course all day at the Wedding & Reception. We even bugged her up at her home in Pine City on Saturday morning, when Kyle and his guys all got together for the fun, gun shooting images that I just posted here a couple days earlier in the very prior Blog Post. I even picked on her then, like I always do, about…. what I call, her “Mary on the Half Shell” which is her Statue of the Virgin Mary, resting inside of a Blue Painted Cast Iron Bathtub, buried on it’s end, in the ground out in her side yard! My Cousin Bob & his wife Anna flew in from Miami, Florida & Mary got to see and catch up with everyone. Most importantly though, she got to be a special part of Kyle & Katie’s Happy Wedding Day, something she very much looked forward to! She had such a fun weekend!
Then, only four days later……. she’s gone. But for her older Sister Ann, who is still with us, Mary is now with the rest of her family…..her Husband (my Uncle) Bob, Sisters…. my Mom Helen, Sister Catherine, and their four Brothers, Nick, Chuck, Frank & John, as well as their Mom & Dad, Christine & Paul Zubriski.
We’ll always love & remember you. Rest In Peace Aunt Mary.
Mary Zubriski Fischer – 02/10/1930 – 09/19/2012
