

Jackals vs. Reading – 10/23/15


Bombs Away! – The American Bombshells Take Flight

What a great way to get warmed up for my November 14th gig with 55 local Heroes, when we all fly down to Washington to take these boys on what most likely will be their last visit to the monuments honoring their heroic service to our country. Tonight’s fundraiser at the Horseheads Legion was highlighted by the incredible “American Bombshells” Singing Troupe out of Brooklyn, NYC. These three gals were a great treat to our senses of both sight & sound! They sure did make those nicely tailored ’40’s Military Costumes look mighty fine indeed, and their singing wasn’t bad either! But the thing that far surpassed both their visual and audio effect on everyone, was their genuine care for, respect and affection that they all showed while meeting and chatting with these grizzled old Veterans between their sets and after the show. They laughed, and chatted, and smiled with these guys, and I’m certain that by simply doing so, brought so many of these old boys back to life again tonight, when they felt once again like they did when they were young and in their prime, fighting for our country in some far away land! Prime Time!

The Captain in Corning?

So what did YOU do on Sunday? I got up at 6:00 A.M…..why?
Did I share Lynn & Matt’s Wedding Day with Derek Jeter? ????

“Pavarotti” of First Arena!

A shot I took early in the 2014-2015 Elmira Jackals ECHL Hockey Season of Talented Elmira Soloist Michael Burrell, performing the National Anthem. A moment of Pleasure of both Sight & Sound.

Puck Juggler

Couple of neat puck handling shots from Friday Night’s exciting Jackals Overtime Comeback Win over arch rival Reading!


“Slick” Seidel

During Elmira games all season long while shooting Jackals Forward Mike Seidel, he keeps reminding me of RANGERS forward Mats Zuccarello….same build, gritty determination and hustle, same long dark hair. Especially so tonight right after I shot Mats Z on Friday Night up in Buffalo. Anyway…..Mike put on one hell of a move tonight right in front of me during the second period that made me once again think of the similarities of these two players! Check it out! Poor ole Greenville Defenseman Sam Noreau #8, he didn’t know whether to shit or wind his watch!!!

“Capt’. Tassone BANGS one Home!”

Heated Third Period action by the Elmira Jackals in this image, catches their Captain Matt Tassone pounding in the home teams 7th or 8th goal of the night. Sorry, there were so many I lost count of which one this was! Great Game Boys, you dominated from start to finish!


My NHL Debut! (From Camera #2) 02/20/15

Great Arena shots, the section near where my assigned shooting hole was located, & the fun gang of mostly RANGERS fans that surrounded me there. And the one thing I truly loved? I didn’t even have to clean my own windows because they have GLASS GIRLS! Even Ladies with Hockey Sticks on the Restroom Signs!………..HELLO BIG LEAGUES!…..LOL!

It was nice to visit & hopefully I can do it all again next season, and till then I’ll be back to cover OUR Elmira Jackals on Wednesday night!


My NHL Debut! (Part 2) 02/20/15

On the same night that NY RANGERS Rookie Goaltender Mackenzie Skapski made his NHL Debut, so did I! Thanks to my Elmira Jackals friends in higher places, they pulled some strings and got me here tonight! Nate, Tom, Shona & Jared, I hope I made you proud and thus deserving with my work & professional representation of the Jackals organization on this fun and exciting night! And My RANGERS won too! 3-1
Here are my final selections from the night!


My NHL Debut! (Part 1) 02/20/15

On the same night that NY RANGERS Rookie Goaltender Mackenzie Skapski made his NHL Debut, so did I! Thanks to my Elmira Jackals friends in higher places, they pulled some strings and got me here tonight! Nate, Tom, Shona & Jared, I hope I made you proud and thus deserving with my work & professional representation of the Jackals organization on this fun and exciting night! And My RANGERS won too! 3-1


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