It’s just a simple fact, that anyone, who knows anything at all about ice hockey knows about “The Hanson Brothers”, the legendary Triplets in the ’70’s Cult Classic movie “SLAPSHOT” with Paul Newman. That movie is one of my all time top ten favorite films I’ve ever seen. That all being said, back when I was the Sports Photographer for Elmira College, a few years before the Jackals came into existence, the son of Steve Carlson one of the Hanson Brothers, actually was a student at Elmira College and played on the EC Mens Varsity Hockey team for the couple of years while I was shooting there. Anyway, to make a long story short, he got me an autographed 8×10 of his Dad & his Uncles, the Hansons, and all three of these Living Legends hand signed it! Needless to say, the photo holds a special place in my heart and hangs proudly in my Personal Office here at the Studio!
So I was quite pleased when I noticed last nights starting Evansville Goaltender #41 Branden Komm, had some VERY interesting airbrushed artwork on his mask, namely the Hanson’s. Two of the boys are on one side of the mask, and the third one is on the other side. So I tracked him down before the start of tonight’s game and got a few shots of these historic Ice Legends that are now gracing his Mask! I just thought it was pretty neat!
“We’re Puttin’ on the Foil, ….. Want Some Coach?”