

“Austin Moody” Blues….

I was hired by the up and coming musical artist, Austin Moody to shoot his warm up act performance at First Arena on Friday Night. Very, Very nice young man who reminded me of a Young Elvis, especially with his Southern Tennessee Drawl. This Elmira gig was one of the first big time shows that he has opened for and he was pretty pumped and wanted to get some nice live shots of this major stepping stone in his bright career. Well Austin…..Mission Accomplished my friend!!!!
Louis Q, Let me know what you think!!! Shooting Shows is a Royal Challenge as you know…. as the lighting is always changing, and varies from place to place as the artists move around……and this shoot in particular didn’t have a lot of front spotlighting on the performers, so it was extra tough getting well lit faces, but despite that, I’m Psyched at the results.






















Bombs Away! – The American Bombshells Take Flight

What a great way to get warmed up for my November 14th gig with 55 local Heroes, when we all fly down to Washington to take these boys on what most likely will be their last visit to the monuments honoring their heroic service to our country. Tonight’s fundraiser at the Horseheads Legion was highlighted by the incredible “American Bombshells” Singing Troupe out of Brooklyn, NYC. These three gals were a great treat to our senses of both sight & sound! They sure did make those nicely tailored ’40’s Military Costumes look mighty fine indeed, and their singing wasn’t bad either! But the thing that far surpassed both their visual and audio effect on everyone, was their genuine care for, respect and affection that they all showed while meeting and chatting with these grizzled old Veterans between their sets and after the show. They laughed, and chatted, and smiled with these guys, and I’m certain that by simply doing so, brought so many of these old boys back to life again tonight, when they felt once again like they did when they were young and in their prime, fighting for our country in some far away land! Prime Time!

“Raisin’ Cain”

The Muti-Talented Virgil Cain @ Tonight’s Music & Margaritas Party on the Terrace @ The Rockwell Museum. 06.24.15

“Pavarotti” of First Arena!

A shot I took early in the 2014-2015 Elmira Jackals ECHL Hockey Season of Talented Elmira Soloist Michael Burrell, performing the National Anthem. A moment of Pleasure of both Sight & Sound.

Bye Bye B.B.

I shot B.B. King, Live in Concert – Clemens Center – Elmira, NY  01/31/98
A Legend….May you & “Lucille” Rest In Peace…
I still remember this shoot, I shot it for the old Chemung Valley Reporter in Horseheads, and B.B.s folks would only let the Press shoot from behind the Audience Seats, way up at that back wall. So for that reason….being a MILLION Miles away, Plus still using FILM (anyone remember what that was?) These aren’t as great as I would have wished for…but hey….I got to shoot the Blues Master Himself! And the even bigger miracle here? My being able to fairly easily find these negatives!!! OCD has it’s rewards I guess!

Bridal Show…Here We Go!

I’ve been working the last few weeks, along with everything else over the holidays, on putting things together for this weekend’s 2015 Arnot Mall Bridal/Wedding Show. This is my 18th or 19th year for this annual January ritual (I’ve lost count, and can’t really find out for certain, because I’ve been in this show longer than anyone else, even the management!) Man how time fly’s! Anyway…I thought I would post a Bits-&-Pieces-Tease of these brand new, huge, super-prints of some of my favorite shots from this past, great 2014 Wedding Season. These giant 4 foot x 6 foot prints will be my main display in Centre Court all weekend long. Any of my Brides & Grooms out there recognize any of these shots? Jeremy, you can’t guess because YOU printed them all! lol Great Job as usual, by the way! Stop by, check ’em all out in their entirety, and say “Hello!” as I log in my hours for another yearly show.

Moonwalk to Eternity…

Today remembering Michael Jackson on the Five Year Anniversary of his Death. What a talented Singer, Dancer & Showman. What a shame he was also apparently possessed, by so many Inner Demons.
Back in the early ’90’s I DJ’d at a club for a bit, and always loved playing “Billie Jean” from the legendary “Thriller” Album. So as a personal remembrance of the King of Pop, I always have with me at Weddings  a few pair of white cotton gloves. During the course of the day and especially into the reception & on the dance floor, I always try to scope out “THAT ONE” particular Guest who through his or her actions just catches my eye, and who I just know are going to be photographically “interesting” throughout the night. Then I wait for the first playing of the Michael Jackson ‘s  “Beat It” or “Billie Jean” are always KILLER! So it’s then that I pop out onto the dance floor and pull out one of those gloves and wave it in front of my victim, and they ALWAYS go nuts! They can’t get that glove on fast enough, and well…the results speak for themselves!  The thing that always amazes me, and that’s how fast they always master that “crotch grab” move, lol ! They sure as hell can’t do the Moonwalk, but they all certainly can “Beat It!”

I’ll Be Waiting….

Memorial Day, what a perfect day to post a few personal favorites from this weekend’s moving Return of the Red Tails event honoring the Heroic Tuskegee Airmen of WWII. As the Event Photographer I had the honor to spend the day amongst these hero’s, and also with one of the only two remaining P-51 Fighters that are still flying today.  It was a true honor. My thanks to all the Period Re-En actors featured in these great shots… our Fly-Boy Calvin, and the lovely, vintage Miss Racquel, who looks like she just stepped out of Hollywood in the ’40’s. Great Job you two!


Smokin’ Ice!

A few shots of the action from tonight’s Ice Racing @ First Arena in Elmira, NY. Same action there Saturday night, so go check it out!

Crystal Gale & Lee Greenwood @ First Arena 12/07/13


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