

Political Vandalism Strikes the 211 Studio!!

Back in September of this year I posted a Blog/Pix detailing my latest creative Art Project that I was working on here at the 211 Studio. It was a Reproduction of some Tired, Old, Weathered, Rusty Iron RR Bridge Girders from the 1800’s, that I installed as the middle archway of my Client Lounge/Meeting area. So with the turn of events over the last month, it was just a matter of time before some new, creative Political Graffiti would make it’s appearance on ‘The Bridge”, and here it is! I can’t wait to try it out for real on a full size Bridge or RR Boxcar very soon!!!  20161207-rb1_5981

Hill Top’s Sweet Sunset

Christa & Jeremy’s Wedding – July 3, 2016 – Hill Top Inn – Elmira, NY
with the Great Band….Brotherhood out of Binghamton, NY.


After all….isn’t that what I’m capturing?
Had a Wedding Free weekend, but that certainly doesn’t always mean no shooting.  I had the honor to capture the moments of a Memorial Service held for a Husband and Wife, married over 62 years, who passed away within 8 days of each other this spring. During a very nice slideshow presentation of the couple & their lives, I shot this image of their daughter & her husband through a partially open doorway…….and you can almost feel the emotions of love & longing in her heart as she watches the lives of her loving parents pass before her tear filled eyes.

Look like a Professional!

I just finished up a quick Professional Portrait Shoot here at the 211 Studio this afternoon for April, a brand new Realtor just hitting the field & beginning her Real Estate career.
Don’t YOU owe it to yourself to finally DITCH those crappy, old, cell phone pictures that you’ve been using for Wayyy too long now, and let me shoot you and make you look your Very Best??
You’re a Professional…….LOOK LIKE ONE!
Call or e-mail me soon!
3up full cwframed-20x13 72dpi


829 W Broad Street


Cell: 607-972-9520 | Office: 607-398-6416 | 

Fax: 607-398-6417 |

Welcome to Horseheads – “Zim” Style Reborn!

A Big Shout-Out to Cassie Cavanaugh for the GREAT job that she did in adding/painting native Horseheads Artist Eugene “Zim” Zimmerman’s Iconic Three Horses Welcome Sign onto the North/East Wall of my 211 Studio Building on North Main Street. Cassie’s Art Class at HHS recently completed re-creating this sign that now hangs on the Horseheads Historical Society Museum RR Station/Building, and after I saw it there, I knew that I wanted one on my Studio! It just works so perfectly, as you see this neat welcome sign as you approach the Historic Hanover Square Business District from the North. Great Job Cassie! And THANK YOU So Much for your Time & Talent Cassie!


Purple Frenzy!!!

The other day I saw some Facebook Friends & past Wedding Couple, post some shots of a new painting scheme that they have underway, and the bold butterscotch color they were applying. Yeah, it was a little brighter than most people would use, but then…..why have Zillions of colors of Paint if no one uses them? With that being said, before Wedding Season hits this spring, I had some spare time and just finished repainting my Equipment/Gear Storage & Framing Room….which remained in the Bright Pink color scheme of my previous Studio Partner Maria Strinni, even after she moved out of the area. Just didn’t have the time or desire to change it all up again. Well, times have changed….and this room is MINE Now! So what do you think? Purple Frenzy with Lime Burst! Bright Enough for you?? Even Purple Filing Cabinets!!!!

“Run of the Mill”

Last week I shot the images of the Elmira Knitting Mill as unforgiving fire roared through it’s long dormant shell.
Tonight, I shot these images of the very same location for the Heights Historical Society. Lets go back to the early 1940’s, while World War II was roaring, The Knitting Mill was humming with activity. How cool would it be, to go back in time and be able to walk though this place during it’s prime.

Employment Application

Employment Application

Sewing Department - Pants & Polo Shirts

Sewing Department – Pants & Polo Shirts

Cloth Finishing Department

Cloth Finishing Department

Sewing Department - Infants Wear

Sewing Department – Infants Wear

Spring Needle Knitting Department

Spring Needle Knitting Department

Latch Needle Knitting Department

Latch Needle Knitting Department

Order Filling Department

Order Filling Department

The Shipping Department

The Shipping Department

The Big One! Elmira Knitting Mills Warehouse Fire – 01/31/16

Had to laugh….I was called in by my Buddy Horseheads FD Chief Artie Sullivan…so I dusted it off & grabbed my trusty old T&C Helmet with my nickname, the trademark BATMAN logo on it. When I got to the scene Artie and Heights Chief Mike Cadek gave me the OK to shoot away among the Fire Troops inside the FD crowd ropes…..while doing so a Heights PD Officer came up, thought I was just an ordinary civilian and was going to move me back….
I explained to him that I had permission to shoot there…..
He asked “Who are you?”
End of story…… lots of great stuff, and lucky for all of us….it was 54 degrees out this January 31st! Felt like a Spring Drill.


Good Ole’ Bill Shaw, the gentleman in the Yellow Fire Police Jacket & who has been in the Heights FD since he was 9 years old kept saying all night long…”I’ve been waiting Seventy One Years For This S.O.B. to Burn Down!” Well there you go Bill!!!


From Tears to Cheers….

Lindsey & Michael – September 26, 2015 – Abandon Brewery – Penn Yan, NY
This is what I Strive to Capture, Each & Every Wedding I am a part of!

Beneath The Wreath

Margette & Donnie – September 19, 2015 – The Hill Top Inn – Elmira, NY

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