

GALLERY #2 – First Baptist Church – Elmira, NY 02/14/25 Fire Aftermath – Shot on 02/15/25


Spent this cold, early afternoon today at the “Scene of the Crime” …. of last night’s devastatingly destructive fire capturing the Charred and still Smoldering remains of the former First Baptist Church in Downtown Elmira. I know a lot of folks have posted pics so far, but I’m adding a bit of a twist to my first few folders of them.

Over the years I was lucky enough to shoot a few Weddings in this Grand Baptist Temple, and after I returned to the warmth of my 211 Studio from my shooting, I dug…and I mean DUG out some images from a Wedding I shot there on September 1 of 2007 so that you could get a small taste of some details of just how stunningly beautiful this building was when it was still being used, and what a loss it truly is to our community. From the Exquisite Stained Glass Windows, to outside in the long lost craftsmanship found in the Beautiful Stonework pretty much everywhere you look, to just a couple shots showing how large & bright the sanctuary was. ENJOY!


GALLERY #1 – First Baptist Church – Elmira, NY 02/14/25 Fire Aftermath – Shot on 02/15/25



Spent this cold, early afternoon today at the “Scene of the Crime” …. of last night’s devastatingly destructive fire capturing the Charred and still Smoldering remains of the former First Baptist Church in Downtown Elmira. I know a lot of folks have posted pics so far, but I’m adding a bit of a twist to my first few folders of them.

Over the years I was lucky enough to shoot a few Weddings in this Grand Baptist Temple, and after I returned to the warmth of my 211 Studio from my shooting, I dug…and I mean DUG out some images from a Wedding I shot there on September 1 of 2007 so that you could get a small taste of some details of just how stunningly beautiful this building was when it was still being used, and what a loss it truly is to our community. From the Exquisite Stained Glass Windows, to outside in the long lost craftsmanship found in the Beautiful Stonework pretty much everywhere you look, to just a couple shots showing how big the sanctuary was. ENJOY!


Elmira’s own, Dr. Jackal – Paul DiPietro


Holiday Pet Photos @ The 211 Studio – This Sunday 12/09/18 – From 1:00pm to 6:00pm.

OK, so here’s the Deal!
You all know me, and know that I’ve been accused of being pretty good behind my camera! People, Sports, PETS!

My wife and her Doggy Mom Friends, & Classmates from numerous Dog Shows, Obedience Groups & Training Classes, etc. have been on me all year to offer this, because in years past some of them have gone elsewhere (THE MALL) and had Holiday Pictures done, very costly and believe me…They were Pretty BAD! Very Dark. No Details. No Highlights. Just Bad. That’s all I’ll say as I want to be kind….but anyway here’s what I’m offering to do it right and actually give you some Professional Images that you will be Proud to have for Years to come..

Bring your favorite family pet to my Rick Bacmanski PhotoArtistry 211 Studios on North Main Street in Horseheads, NY

This Sunday December 09, 2018 from 1:00pm to 6:00pm

You’ll have up to TEN MINUTES with me in my Studio…I’ll shoot a lot of PROFESSIONALLY LIT & SET UP Images of your Pet, and also with YOU if you wish in a Holiday Setting. TEN MINUTES.  If your pet is hard to control, well that’s just time off the clock for you. If he or she sits great, obeys orders and poses well…we can be done in a couple minutes, it’s all up to them!  I know Pets are all individuals and have their own great personalities. I’m a dog lover, so I’ll try to work my doggie friendship magic to get the best out of each and every one of them! I’ll shoot till we feel we have some really great shots, or till their ten minutes is up.

After Sunday’s shoot is done, I’ll Edit and Adjust all the images of your buddy, I’ll ditch the bad ones, and load all the good Full Sized Image Files onto a Thumb Drive for you. You will also get a Copyright Release Waiver from me, which will now allow you to do whatever you wish with these Full Sized JPEG Images. You can make Prints, Holiday Cards, Posters…whatever you want, wherever you want to do them. They are YOURS!

Cost per Pet is $60.00 (cash or check only payable at the shoot) and you also bring me a 8gb Thumb Drive onto which I will load your final images for you. My price for a standard Portrait Shoot is $250.00, so this is a nice way for you to get some Great Shots of your Pet without the usual higher cost.

If you forget to bring the Thumb Drive, I’ll provide one for you for a $15.00 additional charge.
*Each additional Pet (if you want to have more than one, is $15.00 each) but please remember….the more pets, the harder to control them…remember the old saying, that it’s “like herding cats!” and that is going to waste a lot of shooting time off your Ten Minute Clock.

I will have them all ready for you to pick up here at the Studio by Friday December 14 at the latest.

If this sounds good to you and like something you want to try, please e-mail me back at with:
Your name, phone number & e-mail address.
Your pets name(s), type of pet, & pets age.

As inquiries and reservations come in I’ll get back to you via e-mail with a scheduled time for you to stop in, as we really don’t want 25 people and pets causing all kinds of interesting action around the studio while I’m trying to shoot!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Like I said, this is the first time I’m trying anything like this, so I’m sure there will be some bugs along the way, or things I’ve overlooked. Your help and/or suggestions are, as always, much appreciated!

Lincoln, Lazarus, Stacey & Marc

Well time sure does fly by!
Way back in 2010 I shot Stacey & Marc’s Wedding, and 8 years later there are now FOUR in the family as we spent what started out as a rainy Saturday morning together at Elmira College. We had a whole lot of fun and captured some Really Nice shots for one of my all time favorite wedding couples, plus I got to know Little Lincoln….who is definitely QUITE a Character in his own right!!

“Jeepy Grape Graffiti”

Across North Main St. from my 211 Studio in Horseheads NY, is an old railroad track siding/spur that is still used today by the Host Company that supplies fracking sand to local fracking sites. They are always moving freight cars filled with sand in and out as they empty or load the sand into or from their warehouses. From a distance I noticed some bright Graffiti on this one car while walking my dog, and as I got closer I saw how beautiful this one car was painted!  So I grabbed the camera, shot some neat images of the sand hopper car, then I drove my 2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited over & parked right next to it for these Super Shots! As my hero David Letterman always likes to say…”There is No OFF Position on the Genius Switch!”

Can’t quite put my FINGER on where I’ve seen this one before? It just BEATLES Me!

From Mary-Beth & Malcolm’s Seneca Falls Wild Wedding Weekend in mid August 2017.
Hey Ray! This one is for you Buddy.. Happy Birthday too!
(SHOOTER’S NOTE: Man, you don’t even begin to come close to realizing just how busy certain Downtown Intersections can be, TILL you try shooting in a LIVE one!!!!)

Deja vu…..All Over Again!

My Wedding Shooting Philosophy has always been…”When something works…USE IT!”
So once again a few weeks ago,  I found myself at this Classic location, with my Wedding Guys for this Cool Shot! What made this shoot doubly neat, or more accurately “more Quadruple-y Neat” is the fact that FOUR of the guys appear in BOTH Images!
in 2014 was Jon & Katie’s Wedding…..and this year 2017 we were back for Greg & Ashley’s Big Day.
With this gang…I have a good feeling we’ll all be back here again!20170429-RB1_482620140906-RB1_8082

History In Horseheads – Little League Under The Lights! 05-13-17

The scene from tonight’s very first “Night Game” at the Just Installed, Newly Illuminated Horseheads Little League Complex.
First Wrigley Field…..Now Horseheads….What’s Next???|How Cool!

Rest Peacefully My Friend

One thing that I can say for sure, after Shooting Full Time for over Eighteen Years now, is that I get to meet a heck of a lot of people, see a lot of things that I wouldn’t normally have seen, and get to be a part of many, many events. Some Happy, Some Sad, Some Trivial, and Some that are just Kinda Special. This is one of those Special Ones…
Enter Mr. Bill Shaw…
I never knew Bill, till that big Knitting Mills Fire in Elmira Heights in January 2016. That night I laughed so hard after hearing what this Lifetime Heights Fireman said that night….He was in the Elmira Heights FD for over Seventy Years….some of those years even as Chief. But it seems that Bill always had something on his mind regarding that massive, old brick structure……and that night it was reported that 90 year old Bill uttered over & over the profound statement “I’ve been waiting Seventy Years for this S.O.B. to Burn!”…..and since no one was injured during the blaze, and it was an unusually warm & comfortable night for January 30, I just thought his quip was totally hilarious! This Old Boy is Pretty Cool I thought to myself! Sounds EXACTLY like something I would say!!!
Well, this January 2017 I had the Pleasure to Personally Meet The Legend…when he graced my 211 Studios while coming in for his Formal E.H.F.D. Portrait. His F.D. Buddy Brad Nicholson came along with him, and we all joked and clowned around while capturing a little bit of Bill for Eternity.
Little did we know, but Bill wasn’t going to be with us much longer, and sadly, he passed away this Monday, May 8th.
I only spent 20 minutes with him that Winter Morning, but I’m very glad I had the chance to share those moments with him.
Today I chatted with Heights Fire Chief Mike Cadek here at the Studio, and he quipped that I probably had a Wedding to shoot on Saturday, but I told him actually No, I didn’t have anything going on Saturday….till then that is…. because Mike asked me if I could be there for Bill’s Final Farewell & do the Photographic Coverage as Bill is Laid To Rest. It will once again be my honor to document this very special farewell to a Local Firefighting Legend.
I’m getting pretty practiced & familiar at shooting these things……as Bill will be Number 4 for me…. Dickie Sullivan – HFD, Ryan Barker – HFD & WHVFD, Tommy Lynch – HFD.
So Bill… more time……SMILE!
R.I.P. My Friend….

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