

Howdy Wichita!

On the occasion of the very first ever visit of the Wichita Thunder to Elmira, NY & First Arena, I thought I would post a few Absolutely Heartwarming Images detailing the Love & Camaraderie that was shared this afternoon at First Arena for what I must say was the most exciting & entertaining games that we’ve had there in the last couple of years!  After two tough losses already this weekend, where we really had our asses handed to us, frankly I wasn’t too thrilled to spend Sunday afternoon shooting Game #3. But as the game progressed and the Jackals lead grew, you could cut the nastiness that was in the air with a knife! Incident after incident started unfolding, until  late in the third period we had the re-creation of “The Fight” the first and biggest Jackals Bru-Ha-Ha ever, at then…the Coach USA Center. (I shot that one too by the way!) So anyway, I dub this little Glove Dance….The Fight II”  Enjoy!

The “SHORT” End of the Stick

So Elmira College started things out this rainy, damp Saturday @ First Arena, and tonight the Jackals dropped another one at home 6-2, and if you were there you’ll now what I’m talking about when I say that they came out on the “Short” end of the stick. Figure it out! lol



Bing, Bang, Boom!

Our Elmira Jackals had a rough night Friday Evening, suffering a 5-0 Shutout Loss @ the hands of the South Carolina Stingrays. When the team plays badly, I don’t seem to get may great shots either….but I did manage to salvage a few action packed moments anyway! I thought this move was pretty slick!

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“Are You Guys Brothers?”








It’s just a simple fact, that anyone, who knows anything at all about ice hockey knows about “The Hanson Brothers”, the legendary Triplets in the ’70’s Cult Classic movie “SLAPSHOT” with Paul Newman. That movie is one of my all time top ten favorite films I’ve ever seen.  That all being said, back when I was the Sports Photographer for Elmira College, a few years before the Jackals came into existence, the son of Steve Carlson one of the Hanson Brothers, actually was a student at Elmira College and played on the EC Mens Varsity Hockey team for the couple of years while I was shooting there. Anyway, to make a long story short, he got me an autographed 8×10 of his Dad & his Uncles, the Hansons, and all three of these Living Legends hand signed it! Needless to say, the photo holds a special place in my heart and hangs proudly in my Personal Office here at the Studio!
So I was quite pleased when I noticed last nights starting Evansville Goaltender #41 Branden Komm, had some VERY interesting airbrushed artwork on his mask, namely the Hanson’s. Two of the boys are on one side of the mask, and the third one is on the other side. So I tracked him down before the start of tonight’s game and got a few shots of these historic Ice Legends that are now gracing his Mask! I just thought it was pretty neat!
“We’re Puttin’ on the Foil, ….. Want Some Coach?”



Jackals SCORE!


The 2013-2014 Elmira Jackals Professional Ice Hockey Club


With so many call-ups, trades and injuries during this long season, today we finally got around to shooting the Official Team Picture. Better late than never! This was the 14th Team Shoot that I’ve shot so far for this organization, and I think this one came out really great too! & I’ve got lots more in me!

Pink In The Rink

ELMIRA, N.Y. – March 29, 2014
Here’s a couple of my favorite shots from last night’s “Pink in the Rink” Cancer Fighting themed night, all helping the Susan G. Komen  “Fight For The Cure”  cancer fighting crusade. The Elmira Jackals’ inaugural “Pink In the Rink” presented by Wine and Design, drew the largest crowd of the season with 3,995 in attendance at First Arena on Saturday night.


Saturday Night Hits

Here’s a couple of shots from Saturday Night’s Jackals game @ First Arena. In the Second Period forward Danny Hobbs caught a Wheeling slapshot to the side of his face, just below the eye. Last reports are that it was nothing too serious other than stitches to a cut that isn’t even bleeding yet,in this shot taken only a micro second after the hit. Next we have Corey Bellamy getting up from the ice after an altercation and banging his head against the dasher boards at ice level. Good news is no concussion, & Corey’s all stitched up & ready to go for the next game! Old Time Hockey! The Hobbs shot, I’d have to say is one of my best action moments from this season.


“Sparly, Very Sparkly!”

Kinda cool, some of the “Hardware” I’ve gotten to photograph so far over my 14 seasons as Elmira Jackals Team Photographer . Last night it was Kacey Bellamy’s 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics Silver Medal for The U.S. Women’s Ice Hockey Team. Then, a few years back in 2010, it was opposition coach, Neil Smiths 1993-’94 New York Rangers Stanley Cup Champions diamond clustered ring
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Olympic Silver Medalist visits First Arena!

Two-time US Olympic Silver Medalist Kacey Bellamy dropped the Ceremonial First Puck & was signing autographs & greeting Jackals Fans during the first intermission at SplitRock Brew Pub at tonight’s big Jackals win over Evansville.


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