Gentleman Ring Farmer
I’m working on Wendy & Justin’s August 10th Wedding tonight and came upon these great shots of our little Ring Bearer Wyatt Cooper. Wyatt and I were shooting pictures of Wendy and her ladies with this great old tractor out in Van Etten prior to the Wedding Ceremony at “Charlies Swamp” in Alpine, NY. Great Job Wyatt Buddy, Thanks for your help!~
“Blue Eyes….Blue Skies”
My Night @ The Mu”Z”eum…
Tonight’s Gig was the “Music & Margaritas” event @ The Rockwell Museum in Corning, and as luck would have it I ran into this infamous celebrity. Guess he heard there were lots of guns on display. I’m really glad that it was so hot out this evening, or else I may have been wearing my HOODIE…….Rutt Row!!!
Also, I just noticed the buildings in the background….they kinda look like a Prison Guard Tower….Just Sayin’.
My Free Wedding Offer Could be your…. “REDEMPTION”
Every time this movie comes on, no matter what else is going on I just have to watch it! This, The Blues Brothers & Animal House are my favorite three of all time, & I know almost all the lines in each from memory!
Anyway, I was Goggling stuff about Shawshank, and found that the 1994 prison drama The Shawshank Redemption is a Hollywood rarity, in that it wasn’t shot in Hollywood. The filmmakers didn’t use New York or Toronto either. Instead, Shawshank was filmed almost entirely on location, in and around the Rust Belt city of Mansfield, Ohio, about halfway between Columbus and Cleveland.
The Reformatory has never been more popular. It turns out the Ohio State Reformatory has become somehow hip. And the tours are just the beginning. You name it, people want to do it here: conventions, trade shows, ghost hunts, concerts, proms. People even want to get married here.
“There are 14 weddings here scheduled for this year(2011),” Klarman says. “There are already four or five scheduled for 2012. And there’s one wedding scheduled for 2013 already. So word has gotten out. It had spread. It’s just amazing.”
So here’s my offer to you….
BOOK YOUR WEDDING THERE & Select me to shoot it, and my usually priced $2000 Recovery Wedding Photography Package is ON ME! FREE!
“Salvation Lies Within”
Note: a $200 Gasoline/Travel Fee will apply, along with Standard Hotel Lodging for my two nights stay.
Met “The Rock” @ The “Rock!”
The Iggy’s – July 6, 2013
You really know that time is moving along on you when you begin shooting the Weddings of one of your Best Friends Daughters. Today was Michelle & Iggy’s chance for their Happy Wedding Day, and the second time this 2013 Wedding Season that I had the pleasure to be a part of one my buddy Artie’s Daughter’s Weddings, as we already had a blast with Tricia and Chris’s Rochester Wedding way back in April! I was honored to be a part of both Happy Occasions, and I hope that my work will bring smiles to your faces, and many Happy Memories as the years pass by! God Bless you all!
And MY GOD, I still think that you guys looked like the Beverly Hillbillies Clampett’s when you were all on that Damn Old Fire Truck!
Dust In The Wind….
Friday…. it was a long, fun & special day. Up at 7:00 am believe it or not…..out at 8:30 & off to a HUGE Estate Sale – to sell everything from the house in which my friends Jason, Angela & Clara spent so many years in – The house had been in their Maternal Grandfather’s Mother’s family – they are assuming it was somewhere around 200 years – a lot of generations of people in one family who never really moved things out – just found places to store the things that currently weren’t being used. As my tribute to my above mentioned friends, today I took this journey through time, with my camera lens to my eye, as I ventured to capture a few telling images of these items. Items frozen in time for ages…….un-earthed & brought out and into the brilliant sunlight of today, to be found, claimed & enjoyed in the future by new owners. Enjoy!